How do I build strong customer relations?

How do I build strong customer relations – This is a very intense question and marketing moguls can speak endlessly on this one line question. Starting from knowing your customer, to timely and relevant communication, providing extra value, look into loads of analytics & reports, and so on – but is there any one answer that helps us know how to build strong customer relations?
Well, in our opinion and to your surprise, there is one simple answer – Be a good customer and you will know the traits of building relations with your customers!
In this world of social media and start-up culture, we are just running to make our idea better, build strong business models and presentations, charter target revenue numbers and take on stress of this running around head on as an salesperson/entrepreneur/ management.
But in all this and our quest to try and build a strong customer relation, we have completely ignored to firstly assess how are we as a customer, what are our expectations, how do we like communicating with our sellers, what kind of convenience are we looking at, what offers and loyalty programs or cash backs we enjoy, what data I share with my sellers and the ultimate value that I want from my vendors/ sellers. The moment I go deep into this and introspect, I will start getting a very clear and tacit answer to this bombastic question which at times ends up eating up our precious time in team discussions, management knowledge sessions etc.
I am no different and lived through all these drills and with experience derived this mantra which I pass on to multiple people – To me when I looked a little closer, a clear answer that come to my mind and from my surroundings – let it be me as a customer or bouquet of my customers like my two sons (remember this exercise starts from home!), employees, students/ faculty in EduSome, clients in EdgeSome and ClientSome – TECHNOLOGY is what seems to be the answer to all.
I can only build good relations with my customers in today’s world if I have technology sorted (ethics/transparency/goodwill being assumed to thereJ). I am sure many will agree with me – write to me at akhil@edusome or akhil@clientsome to share your thoughts on this. We may be able to even discuss how we are using technology or helping our clients use that to the fullest and build strong relations in turn with their clients.